Water Treatment

Cybersecurity for water systems – Water and wastewater treatment systems are critical infrastructures – unplanned outages put the environment and public safety at risk. Worse is possible: sabotaging safety systems can put worker safety at risk, tampering with finished water formulations can dissolve lead piping and put populations at risk, and tampering with biogas systems can lead to explosions and fires.

Waterfall’s unbreachable Unidirectional Gateways protect water utilities OT against IT related network threats, enabling secure connectivity to IT and 3rd-party external networks.

With Waterfall you get


Safe IT/OT Integration

Unidirectional Gateways enable safe hydraulic optimization, predictive maintenance, management visibility into operations, and other business automations that is essential to modern and efficient operations.


Safe Security Monitoring

Unidirectional Gateways provide water utilities with safe network and system security monitoring, enabling safe, central and even outsourced security monitoring processes and systems.

Safe Cloud

Safe OT Cloud Connectivity

Waterfall’s Unidirectional Gateways are also used for unbreachable OT connectivity to the cloud and internet. 

Use cases


The Waterfall for IDS product replicates mirror and SPAN ports to OT IDS sensors on IT networks. Unidirectional Gateways replicate Syslog, SNMP traps and other security monitoring information to enterprise and cloud SOCs. Waterfall makes security monitoring safe and transparent.

Business Automation

Unidirectional Gateways safely replicate historians, OPC servers and other industrial data sources so that hydraulic optimization systems can schedule electric pumps optimally, predictive maintenance systems can order spare parts and schedule work crews optimally, and popuate management dashboards as well as customer and partner billing systems with real-time equipment availability and billing information.

Regulator Monitoring

Unidirectional Gateways safely provide real-time data to regulators and other third parties about emissions, treatment systems, quality sampling and other systems, without providing those external researchers and authorities with the access to automation systems that might put those systems at risk.

How it works

Group 1117


An industrial network safely to an IT network

Group 1117-1


The industrial network with hardware enforced technology

Group 1117-2


Real-time operational servers to the enterprise IT network

Related resources


Webinar: Engineering Cybersecurity Mitigations for Municipal Water Systems

Large water utilities are looking to gain efficiencies by adopting new distributed edge devices and digital transformation initiatives

How Waterfall Security Protects Water Facilities


Engineering-Grade Cybersecurity for Water Utilities | Recorded Webinar

Consult with a unidirectional
solutions architect